
Mike Cargile_Family 2.jpg

our children are our greatest treasure

As a Christian and a family man, I stand for the sanctity of the Biblical definition of Marriage and the protection of the nuclear family. The family unit is the cornerstone of our society, as it goes, so goes the Nation.

Years ago, my old Pastor said “If you know what a lawyer knows, you’d be a lawyer. If you know what a doctor knows, you’d be a doctor. When a child knows what an adult knows… They are no longer a child.” From the pornographic images in the “health” books forced on them in elementary school, to drag queen story time, we rob our children of their childhoods by sexualizing them at an early age. We force young minds, who are still just trying to figure out how to tie their shoes, to process adult concepts like “homosexuality” and “transgenderism”. This is both psychologically and emotionally destructive and it is wrong!

From the explicit images bombarding our children every time they look at their phones or televisions to the twisted ideas concocted out of the darkened hallways of our Sacramento “educators”, there is but one goal in this whole endeavor. Their objective is to create willing participants for the appetites of adult sexual predators. Why else would they advocate for puberty blocking drugs that delay the natural development process into an adult? Why else would they go to such lengths to try to redefine the term “pedophile” to “minor attracted person”? If we allow this, how can we condemn the actions of people like Jeffrey Epstein and Harvey Weinstein, who exploit young girls, and yet allow grown men into our female bathrooms and locker rooms, all under the guise of being “transgender”? This must stop!

My family had a personal experience with this. We were traveling through Central California when we stopped for gas. As I was filling up the mini-van, unknown to me, a grown man, complete with mini-skirt and heels walked into the women’s bathroom while my daughter was in there. Thank God, nothing happened to her, but I promise the families of the 35th that I will work hard to ensure that no other family has to endure something like this in the future.

Unlike my opponent, Norma J Torres, I will protect our families and our children from the reach of these pedophile predators and I will work to safeguard their minds, hearts and emotions as well.